Thursday, 29 September 2016

Terry Fox

The students have been learning a song, Terry Fox- la perseverance by Gregg LeRock all week in preparation for our Terry Fox run on Monday, October 3rd.  When the song and video were first shown, the students had so many stories to share and various questions.  It was an absolute enriching experience with the students.  On Friday, September 30th, we had another lesson on Terry Fox.  The students learned all about a True Canadian Hero and why the Terry Fox run is so important as well as why his legacy lives on. The students completed a short activity: "Terry Fox est un heros parce que..."

Please encourage your child to sing the song while watching the video.  The students learned the refrain of the song and a few other simple repetitive lyrics that we hear in the song.

Journee du drapeau Franco-Ontarien

As part of the French curriculum, it's important to recognize the many important French cultural events celebrated. Both Grade 1 and 2 students learned about the importance of the "drapeau franco-ontarien", last Friday, September 23rd as French schools across Ontario celebrated the anniversary of the flag.  The students were very intrigued and had many valuable questions.  Many students had seen this flag in various places across the city, but they had no idea what it meant. In class, we listened to the song "Mon beau drapeau" and watched a short video. They learned what the significance of the symbols and the colours of the flag.The students were very excited to make their own flags and bring them home.  They were also very eager to share with the class first thing Monday that they had seen the "drapeau franco-ontarien" over the weekend.  I was so happy to hear their stories!

Feel free to watch the video and listen to the song we played in class.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Dear Parents,

Welcome to my blog! I will be posting items periodically on this blog and there will be sections which will remain the same throughout the year for you to visit at your leisure.

It was wonderful to meet so many of you last Wednesday at Curriculum Night. As mentioned during the presentations, I am including the slide show of my presentation.  Should you have any questions, please feel me to e-mail me at or call me at the school at 613-830-3215.

Curriculum Night slideshow


Mme Cote